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Safety and Sanitation Have Always Been a Priority


-Wearing a mask is required in all healthcare facilities licensed or operated by the Commonwealth and healthcare practice locations of any provider by a professional board which sits within the Department of Public Health or the Division of Professional Licensure. 

Please continue to wear a mask for the entirety of your visit to Woodland Massage Therapy.

-The massage table and face cradle are covered with a fresh vinyl liner beneath clean sheets provided to every client, every visit.

-Linens are washed in hot water on-site.

-I have always and will continue washing my hands before and after every treatment session.

-A Blue Pure 311 Auto HEPA air purifier runs in the studio daily to provide air filtration in an enclosed space.

-Lucas-cide sanitizer/disinfectant is used on all hard surfaces between appointments.

-Appointments are scheduled with 30 minutes between clients to limit more than one person in the office at a time.

If you are not feeling well in the days and hours leading to your appointment, please contact me to reschedule your appointment. I will not ask you to pay a cancellation fee if you are not feeling well. 

As always, I do my absolute best to provide the safest, cleanest space possible. If you have any questions or concerns about massage therapy and COVID-19, please contact me.

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